Monday, February 2, 2009

Is Your Dad your Hero?

When I was small, me and my dad would always go out and play soccer at the park. he would take me everywhere and buy me anything I wanted. In sum, I was spoiled and because I was the only one I got what I wanted. You may think I am the first-born , but I tell you I am not. As a matter a fact, I am the second child and my brother is the eldest. Nevertheless, as I was telling you my dad was the maximum. He was like my superman, my batman and my spiderman combined, but when my sister was born everything changed. Instead of taking me to the park and play soccer, he would take me to the park and took care of my sister. Instead of going out and eating ice cream, he would stay home and babysit my sister. I was young and I couldn't understand why my dad didn't hanged out with me like before. Then everything changed and I slowly began to dislike my dad. He wasn't my hero anymore and surely he wasn't my everything.

I remember one day my dad came from work and he kissed my little sister and said hello excluding me. I felt sad and mad all together and I remembered that I cried. Those days were the darkest days in my life and everything changed in my life. I would begin to behave bad at school and I would ignore my dad just like he ignored me. My mom would always picked me up from school and she told me that she hated when she was called to got to the principal's office. My mom would ask me why did I behave in such way and my only answer was in a form of shrugging my shoulders. Like I tell you, since my sister came to this earth, my respect towards my dad has been negative. I did however liked my sister, and I was never mad at her for being loved. I still love her and we help each other with our homework. Although our relationship isn't perfect, we still hold that mutual love.

As in for my dad, I still have trouble loving him and respecting him because of the way he has treated me for the past 12 years, but when my mom tells me how hard my dad works and when I see him with great grief, my inner thoughts towards him change. I realize that my dad does everything possible so I could have the best. He doesn't tell me he loves me, but I know he does. This scenerio might be the same to you. I don't know how to put it, but I could tell you that our dads are different than our moms. Our dads may be more strict or behave differently than our moms, but they are still lovely in their own ways. As a guy, I can tell you that we do not like to share our feelings and as a result we act a certain way.

Going back to what I was saying, our dads are very hardworking and whether or not you have a great relationship with him or not doesn't mean that they do not set an example. You may say something like, "what? my dad doesn't set any example all he does is smoking and drinking. He hits my mom and he never cares about me." Its true that he doesn't set an example by doing such horrendous things like that, but do you really think he doesn't. If you think about it this way, our dads do set example even in circumstances like these. How? Let me explain. The way he sets an example is by making you choose to do the contrary when you grow up. Who ever said that setting an example always have to be positive. Setting an example can be done either way. So think and really analyze your father acts the way he does. Ask yourself what can i do to set an example for him. what can i do to make him reduce his caliber of his actions.

Friday, January 23, 2009

How can you set an example?

The question begins with you. How can you set example for the rest of the world? Well you can begin doing so by getting good grades, by being a scholar in class and helping out classmates, by being courageous and confident by raising your hand or participate in class discussion, by helping out the teachers or simply by picking thrash off the floor when everyone decided not to. A great leader begins with the innermost desire to set an example. Great leaders from the past have courageously stood up when the odds were against them. They fear not and decided to dissent regardless of the adversary. A great leader doesn't become a great leader from day to night, it takes practice. It goes the same like me lifting up 200 pounds of weights and expect to do it when i never lifted a weight heavier than 90 pounds. What I am trying to say is that whenever you see that something is wrong and you don't do anything about it then you are just as guilty as the person who did it. 

I personally struggle with this an i don't expect anyone to do such things right away because as previously mentioned it takes time and above all it takes the desire. If you want to be the same old boring person that practices their quotidian affairs like if it were to be a broken record, that is your choice. Everything in this world has a choice it is just a matter a fact if you made the right choices.

Moving on, if you do choose however to follow the righteous path and you feel that your heart and mind desires to be a great leader or just a person who likes to be an example well i tell you that in order for you to be a successful leader it takes a lot. You have to realize that setting an example is one thing and being an example is another. You also have to realize that the path you will take in order to be a successful leader is arduous and nonetheless  risky. You will have to take risks and be able to outsmart any obstacle. I don't remember the text that is found in the Bible , but I'll look it up that says whenever you try to do what is right a whole sea of obstacles falls on you and the current will never stop until you drown or loses its momentum. 
What this is trying to say is that there will be a lot of tests and obstacles whenever you or anyone tries to do the better, the current either loses its momentum, which this can only happen if you endure the obstacles, or the current will drown you. Obviously if the current drowned you, well that is it.

I want to leave you with a key thought in your mind that whatever you do try to do it for the better and whatever you don't do is like relinquishing the trigger out of its mind.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Heroines, our mothers

Sorry to mentioned this at a very later time, but this is my true December blog. The last one was the November blog that i didn't do which talks about our superheros as kids.

The first thing anyone sees when they arrive in this world is the luminescent lights and then our mother. Although our eyes are not well developed as we have them right now, we know that the person lying in the bed is our mother. In case if you didn't know we are color blind and we cannot distinguish between colors and many scientists argue that we see black and white once we are born. Nonetheless, the importance of all this birth scenario that i am portraying is to make you visualize the pain and suffering your mother went through just for you to be alive. Some people all over the world never even say a thank you to their moms and think that they are just another family member. I still remember this image in my mind when i went to my friend's house and i will always use it to show that there are worthless kids out there. well the thing is that when i went to my friends house, his mother was cooking food and his brother just finished playing his games when his mother asked him to go throw the trash. instantly the kid was infuriated and began to cuss and his own mother. My friend was embarrassed and he asked me to leave. The next day he told me that that is how his brother always acts.

I don't know about you, but if i cussed at my mom i don't only have no morals but am a ungrateful kid. Our mothers should be honored and respected like if they were our heroine and goddess. I always respect my mom ande even though i argue with her, i have never cussed at her. She has always been there with me when i mostly needed her. She works so hard just for me to have a better education and she was the one who gave me birth. Now, if i just cussed at her all that she ever did to help me was now in vain. I will always be garteful with my mom and regardless if i am so pissed off i will never cuss at her or say anythign stupid.

In sum, all i want to say that our moms should be treated with more respect because many of them have given up their lives for us. Although not all moms are caring, i tell you, nah i demand you to respect your mom because they are the ultimate reason why yu came to this earth. You may disagree that your dad also has a part in your birth, but i tell you that it is your mom that makes that last decision. I don't know where i am trying to go, but i do know that our mothers have done lots of things in our lives. Although i do know that maybe not all moms are the same, i understand that nonetheless they are there. I love my mom and she is my heroine. From the day i first saw her on the hospital bed to present day. It is alright if you don't consider your mom a heroine, but know that whether or not she is a heroine in your eyes she is your mom.

Our heroes

Many people all over the world are raised with some sort of heroes, whether it is superman, spiderman, the incredible hulk, batman, etc. Although not everyone around the world are fortunate to have spiderman or batman as a hero, the ones who do tend to view them in a very special way. Personally, when I was young, my favorite super hero was spiderman, but as I started to grow my heroes began to swift back and forth. Of course I deduce that this didn't only happened to me, but other people as well. When I was in school I heard that many people were like,"Superman is the best,"but others disagreed and said, "what are you talking about, it is all about batman." Hence, since that day the battle of my favorite super hero began to exploit and the significance was eventually lost.
As I said, when I was growing up with friends that liked different superheroes I knew that no matter what superhero we liked we all had something in common. I saw that although our tastes were different, we still had some sort of superhero to admire. I don't know about you, but for me admiring someone is something that enables me to become more successful and in a way help me develop as a person. What I am trying to say is that for me and many other people have someone as their superhero and tend to be like them, in which by now we know that is impossible.
Also i want to point out that having any sort of superhero shows our true childhood our childish behavior. For instance, when I was much smaller perhaps in third grade, i had many posters of spiderman in my room and everything that i had had to have the picture of spiderman maneuvering in the air. When i ever see a picture of myself with a spiderman shirt, it gives me the feeling nostalgia. I always get sad and always reminds me when i was a kid. I still remember when i was in boot camp, i was looking at my picture and i began to cry. I thought i was the only one crying, but then i saw other guys crying over thier baby pictures. In a way it was nice to feel the feeling of sadness and discontent because in the end it always gives you a relief.
In sum, if you didn't understand a word i was saying because it simply didn't make sense i don't blame you because i myself had toruble comming up with a blog. What i tried to say all the way is that superheroes serve to enrich our childhood and is a fortress for many individuals across the world.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Setting an Example

When we think of a person of high authority we usually tend to view them as masters, role models and some one to look up to. That is normal and it happens to everyone because the way we were raised. For example, I was raised to believe that my majors were always the first people to look up to and follow their step. However, because of the course of time and the vast experiences we undertake, changes the way we think of our elders and leaders. I personaly think that not every elder out there are someone to look up to. We have lots of drug addicts and pornography lovers as grandparents and sadly we cannot change that for them. We are younger then them and we are basicly no one to tell them what to do with their lives. Moreover, because we as a community of young Americans have been raised to think taht our elders are the first one to look up to, this blog is dedicated who now rest in peace or are still with us in their last days, our grandparents.

Our grandparents in some point of theri lives were young as we are now. At some point they had to realize the same things we do right now. They perhaps were raised like us and had high expectations of their elders, but through the course of time their experiences have let them neglect the principle that states that elders are role models. Now, right now I am talking about when your grandparents and my grandparents were young adults. They believed that at that point of their lives they are Albert Einstein or Sir Issac Newton. They felt that they knew it all and no one could possibly set them an example. They felt they were the example to the youth. Sadly, they didn't realized they were the youth themselves. Compared to their parents they were still infants still lots to learn from life. In sum, your grandparents at their adulthood were still not the example, but in process to be an example. Your great-grandparents were, but not them.

Having everything said on the previous paragraph, we are still not example, but forming an example as we age. Caution here, this doesn't mean that you aren't setting an example to the young ones or your friends, all it means is that age is the factor in the contribution to setting an example. It is true you are setting an example to your brothers and sisters by getting good grades, but for right now, I am trying to convey the notion of aging=setting an example. By looking at your grandparents(who may be still be with you) we can understand that they are an example and the road to get there should be the same road we should take to get there. They already set an example, now they are the example.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Welcome, may I welcome you -my dear friend- to the world where role models become heroes and where heroes become role models. A world where everything you do matters and everything around you just observes the truly person that you are. Most of those times they may have a negative connotation towards you because the way you act or respond. However, sometimes many people who observe you in great distance may also have a positive attitude towards you and who knows, perhaps they follow the way you are. Not only they will try to be the person you are, but will also see you as their role model and perhaps even earn their respect. However, whatever the case may be, may I also remember you that as you embark this solemn world setting and example will not be an easy task. People everywhere are watching you, hunting you and observing how you interact not only with friends, but acquaintances as well, whether if it is for the best or for the worst. Sometimes people around you really take your actions in consideration, whether you notice it or not, and make analyzed judgements towards you; therefore, it would be prudent to caution every step you take. Nevertheless, to sum up everything said, I would like to welcome you aboard to a challange and together we can converse over the success and faulire of the mission to set an example to our surroundings.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Setting an Example

As a human, there are a lot of obstacles through the course of life that sometimes creates inconvenience or even blocks us in our quotidian needs. Sometimes, the stress level of each individual is proportionally equal to the amount of work each individual have, that getting a little more work to do, may or may not be very overwhelming. Nonetheless, that shouldn't be an excuse or a scapegoat to our obligation in this life which clearly is setting an example to others-whether the intended audience is the youth or peers. We as humans tend to procrastinate and often never end up doing the work because of human nature, but if we really picture the idea-setting an example- this can be simultaneously done without even doing any extra labor. Although this task may be easy to others and may be hard for some, trying is always acceptable. In conclusion, wherever we are whether we are at school, work, or at home, setting an example will not only benefit others, but as an individual as well.
When we grow as a person, there can be multiple benefits and maturity levels. There can be many factors contributing to our individual growth, such as experiences, struggles and perseverance. In this case we will be talking about perseverance and how this shapes our identity and personality. Therefore, by having that integrated into our minds we can apply those ideas into setting an example to our surroundings. First, lets see how and why would perseverance contribute into molding ourselves and personality. By looking to the past and the knowledge that we have gained because of history, we see that because of the heroic things that Gandhi did for his country, we see later on that Martin Luther King Jr. himself followed those steps. It wasn't only because Gandhi was well known around the world that led Martin Luther King decide to follow his steps, but because of the perseverance that Gandhi had Martin Luther King was able to understand the steps. Nonetheless, here we had the example of Gandhi and his perseverance and the outcome of his perseverance, but now let's take that same idea and put them in terms that we can comprehend it better.
One interesting way we can illustrate a perfect example that can suit anyone in is the example a student who is struggling to get good grades by multiple obstacles. Some of those obstacles include domestic violence in his/her home, gang fights around his/her house, constant shooting, bad teachers and bad influence in school. Here many would fail into the temptation of drugs or liquor, but this particular student refuses. Here many wouldn't do their homework because they know that the teacher is not going to collect it, but this particular student despite the bad teacher still studies and gets his/her work done regardless if the teacher is going to collect it the next day. Here many would be depressed and scared because of the violence in the home and outside the street, but this particular student will still strive for success. Here we see the difference between an excellent student and a student who doesn't care; however, I never mentioned a student who is on both sides of the coin. What could possibly motivate him more? Is it the bad student or the excellent student. Note both students have the equal amount of problems, but what differentiates them is their action. In sum, this example isn't going to gain independence or end segregation, but it will change some one's life.
As we saw in the second paragraph, Gandhi's teachings and perseverance let to the independence of India and many other things such as the end of segregation in which Martin Luther King is credited for. As we observed in the second paragraph, the things that someone does really does matter because who knows, maybe the person who observed was really impressed and could possible do it themselves. As we saw also noticed in the second paragraph, the example is very legit and many would say,"Of course Gandhi could set an example, he is a hero." Well, we see that Gandhi is a hero now, but during those times he wasn't a hero, some didn't even noticed his works. Even if he is a hero setting an example for the newcomers or the young ones isn't compared to what Gandhi did. Nevertheless, we aren't here talking about excuses and how to find a scapegoat within an excellent example like Gandhi, we are talking about how to set an example and one way we can start is by looking at other people who excelled at it. Moreover, perseverance is the key to setting an example and in anyway we cannot accomplish anything without a great amount of perseverance and dedication.