Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our heroes

Many people all over the world are raised with some sort of heroes, whether it is superman, spiderman, the incredible hulk, batman, etc. Although not everyone around the world are fortunate to have spiderman or batman as a hero, the ones who do tend to view them in a very special way. Personally, when I was young, my favorite super hero was spiderman, but as I started to grow my heroes began to swift back and forth. Of course I deduce that this didn't only happened to me, but other people as well. When I was in school I heard that many people were like,"Superman is the best,"but others disagreed and said, "what are you talking about, it is all about batman." Hence, since that day the battle of my favorite super hero began to exploit and the significance was eventually lost.
As I said, when I was growing up with friends that liked different superheroes I knew that no matter what superhero we liked we all had something in common. I saw that although our tastes were different, we still had some sort of superhero to admire. I don't know about you, but for me admiring someone is something that enables me to become more successful and in a way help me develop as a person. What I am trying to say is that for me and many other people have someone as their superhero and tend to be like them, in which by now we know that is impossible.
Also i want to point out that having any sort of superhero shows our true childhood our childish behavior. For instance, when I was much smaller perhaps in third grade, i had many posters of spiderman in my room and everything that i had had to have the picture of spiderman maneuvering in the air. When i ever see a picture of myself with a spiderman shirt, it gives me the feeling nostalgia. I always get sad and always reminds me when i was a kid. I still remember when i was in boot camp, i was looking at my picture and i began to cry. I thought i was the only one crying, but then i saw other guys crying over thier baby pictures. In a way it was nice to feel the feeling of sadness and discontent because in the end it always gives you a relief.
In sum, if you didn't understand a word i was saying because it simply didn't make sense i don't blame you because i myself had toruble comming up with a blog. What i tried to say all the way is that superheroes serve to enrich our childhood and is a fortress for many individuals across the world.


Vanessa Reyes said...

why do you think that people grow up to have some sort of heroe? do you think that it is some sort of trend?i really never had a heroe because i always thought that they were not real and i thought that it was pathetic and stuff like that.
i don't think that a lot of people would agree with me because i never liked superman, spiderman or any other heroe.

radio_nessa said...

I love Spiderman!
Well, having a fictional character as a superhero might actually be a good thing. We aspire to be like someone whom we might find has no "actual flaws". You think of a superhero like Batman and you just really wanna be like them and you what you can to be like them.
Having a fictional superhero really does bring out the inner children in us. We shouldn't let go of our childhood antics, but rather learn how to suppress them and know when to let out those childhood antics.
I think I kinda got sidetracked here.
But yea. Spiderman. Awesome.
Gotta love all the superheroes.