Friday, January 23, 2009

How can you set an example?

The question begins with you. How can you set example for the rest of the world? Well you can begin doing so by getting good grades, by being a scholar in class and helping out classmates, by being courageous and confident by raising your hand or participate in class discussion, by helping out the teachers or simply by picking thrash off the floor when everyone decided not to. A great leader begins with the innermost desire to set an example. Great leaders from the past have courageously stood up when the odds were against them. They fear not and decided to dissent regardless of the adversary. A great leader doesn't become a great leader from day to night, it takes practice. It goes the same like me lifting up 200 pounds of weights and expect to do it when i never lifted a weight heavier than 90 pounds. What I am trying to say is that whenever you see that something is wrong and you don't do anything about it then you are just as guilty as the person who did it. 

I personally struggle with this an i don't expect anyone to do such things right away because as previously mentioned it takes time and above all it takes the desire. If you want to be the same old boring person that practices their quotidian affairs like if it were to be a broken record, that is your choice. Everything in this world has a choice it is just a matter a fact if you made the right choices.

Moving on, if you do choose however to follow the righteous path and you feel that your heart and mind desires to be a great leader or just a person who likes to be an example well i tell you that in order for you to be a successful leader it takes a lot. You have to realize that setting an example is one thing and being an example is another. You also have to realize that the path you will take in order to be a successful leader is arduous and nonetheless  risky. You will have to take risks and be able to outsmart any obstacle. I don't remember the text that is found in the Bible , but I'll look it up that says whenever you try to do what is right a whole sea of obstacles falls on you and the current will never stop until you drown or loses its momentum. 
What this is trying to say is that there will be a lot of tests and obstacles whenever you or anyone tries to do the better, the current either loses its momentum, which this can only happen if you endure the obstacles, or the current will drown you. Obviously if the current drowned you, well that is it.

I want to leave you with a key thought in your mind that whatever you do try to do it for the better and whatever you don't do is like relinquishing the trigger out of its mind.


dianasaur said...

Hey there.
I enjoyed your opening paragraph. I was a good hook, in my opinion, and the transitions were smooth.
Being an example is a tricky thing. A leader is someone that starts up a movement of some kind and people follow. You should also consider that there are antagonist leaders as well as protagonist ones. For example, Adolf Hitler, probably the most successful and notorious leader in the world.
What's you take on bad and good leaders(moral wise)?
And yeah, please find that bible passage, i'm curious.
Overall, i liked your entry. Keep it up!

Gary G. said...

Like Diana I also enjoyed the first paragraph but I have to say I felt like you completely changed your tone from the first paragraph to the third paragraph. At first it seemed like you were encouraging people to be an example to others and in the third it seems like you rather they not because of all the obstacles they will face. Good post but maybe you should choose how you word things a bit differently.

Leslie C. said...

Dear Joel,

I enjoyed your blog beacuse it was very detailed and you had good examples and ideas that made me become more intrested. It is interesting to know that setting an example is one thing and being an example is another. I didn't know that to become a good example was hard because I just thought that you have to make the right choices and that is setting a good example. Thinking about it I think what you are trying to say is that depending on the case where the right choices that you make are good and it is being a good example. Can wait to read your next blog and I wish you could of written more.

edwin garcia said...


I believe that being an example is going above and beyond. Doing what is right and just. Role models however, doesn't choose to be a role model, they just are. People who show the courage to preserver through tough times and still do good things that inspire people.

Jennifer Rosales said...

Thanks for your comment and your suggestion. In fact I would really appreciate If you could help me with my February blog since im having a bit of trouble with in the whole rethoric in culture thing.
About your blog i think you did a good job!
In my opinion your opening paragraph was really good and interesting.
Some how i feel like your body paragraphs could of been as interesting as the introduction.
Good Job!

Hugo J said...

Your blog is very persuasive. You have encourage me to rise to my feet and go out there to make a change. Well reading your blog reminded me something about me and this includes you too. We are both in this class because we decided too. Well that is being a scholar. A scholar is setting an exmple and even becoming a leader.

You and me are right here in AP english. That is a very decision we both took. W both decided to challenge ourself and we did. This class is improving the way i write tremendoulsly. Instead of turning out to feel upset i enjoy this class. I would have like to take this class in freshman year. Is never too late to set an example.

James/J.R. said...

Dear Joel,
I like how you started your post and giving examples of how to become a good example but at the same time i liked the way you brought up the difference of setting and being an example. I kind of agree with gary because you did start kind of encouraging people to be good examples but then you leave it up to them to take a risk and set an example.

M.M. said...

Dear Joel,
I like that you question your audience. In your introduction I really liked you last sentence, it was very impacting. I would like to say that expectations which we put but we never try to progress. “…in order to be a successful leader it takes a lot” Like what? If your going to use some words keep in mind that some people don’t have the same level of words known as you do. I really like that you give examples, and then explain you explain your example. Nice finish, strong but still leaving us (audience) with thoughts. Also, I agree with Diana you have to consider that they are protagonist and antagonist leaders. If you do use them try to use some leaders that aren’t very well known, so we can learn something new.