Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Heroines, our mothers

Sorry to mentioned this at a very later time, but this is my true December blog. The last one was the November blog that i didn't do which talks about our superheros as kids.

The first thing anyone sees when they arrive in this world is the luminescent lights and then our mother. Although our eyes are not well developed as we have them right now, we know that the person lying in the bed is our mother. In case if you didn't know we are color blind and we cannot distinguish between colors and many scientists argue that we see black and white once we are born. Nonetheless, the importance of all this birth scenario that i am portraying is to make you visualize the pain and suffering your mother went through just for you to be alive. Some people all over the world never even say a thank you to their moms and think that they are just another family member. I still remember this image in my mind when i went to my friend's house and i will always use it to show that there are worthless kids out there. well the thing is that when i went to my friends house, his mother was cooking food and his brother just finished playing his games when his mother asked him to go throw the trash. instantly the kid was infuriated and began to cuss and his own mother. My friend was embarrassed and he asked me to leave. The next day he told me that that is how his brother always acts.

I don't know about you, but if i cussed at my mom i don't only have no morals but am a ungrateful kid. Our mothers should be honored and respected like if they were our heroine and goddess. I always respect my mom ande even though i argue with her, i have never cussed at her. She has always been there with me when i mostly needed her. She works so hard just for me to have a better education and she was the one who gave me birth. Now, if i just cussed at her all that she ever did to help me was now in vain. I will always be garteful with my mom and regardless if i am so pissed off i will never cuss at her or say anythign stupid.

In sum, all i want to say that our moms should be treated with more respect because many of them have given up their lives for us. Although not all moms are caring, i tell you, nah i demand you to respect your mom because they are the ultimate reason why yu came to this earth. You may disagree that your dad also has a part in your birth, but i tell you that it is your mom that makes that last decision. I don't know where i am trying to go, but i do know that our mothers have done lots of things in our lives. Although i do know that maybe not all moms are the same, i understand that nonetheless they are there. I love my mom and she is my heroine. From the day i first saw her on the hospital bed to present day. It is alright if you don't consider your mom a heroine, but know that whether or not she is a heroine in your eyes she is your mom.


dianasaur said...
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dianasaur said...

Woah. I cannot believe you said that! I loved your entry.

By all means, we should all be slaves to our mothers, they gave BIRTH to us! We are made from their flesh. But then again we must consider what they may have done with us already being born. I do not believe we should worship a mother who abandons a child or somehow abuses their child severely. A mother should also assume responsibility and in return love her creation.

Joel, i must say, you're a great guy. Not many guys actually think about this stuff. Good job.

(I noticed you mentioned birth and well it reminded me of a Shakespeare play, I believe it was King Lear. Well anyways, it was said that a baby cries when it is conceived it cries because it senses what a horrible world it is being born into. Well i just thought it was interesting.)

Overall, awesome blog.

Jennifer Rosales said...

Hey there,
Well to start with thanks for your comments and suggestions.
Overall you did a great job..I agree with my other classmates that we as children should be some type of slaves to our mother's since there a big part of our childhood.

Vincent/Chente said...

Joel Joel Joel,
Wow in the last 3 years that i've known you i have never heard you read or write something this incredibly powerful.

Yes there are most of us who decide to argue and even curse at our own mothers. But in any case our mother is our mother. But it is also true what Diana said that maybe we shouldn't worship mothers who decide to abandon their children, abuse their children, or women who abort children because they feel that a baby is a waste of time. But there is always the mother who give anything for their child , the mother who sacrifices getting clothes for herself and instead buys the toy that her child wants. The mother who would rather see her child happy and smiling rather than buy things for herself. The mother who works very late but still has the time and energy to cook us a hot plate. The mother who brought us to this world. I think that is the lady we should look up to. Learn from her and respect from her. I feel that our mother may be wrong at times and argue against us but we should remain calm and respect her no matter what. I'm not saying that i am a saint and i do this but i should start doing it more. Great blog Joel and good way to make our mothers look awesome!

Leslie C. said...
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Leslie C. said...

Dear Joel,
I agree that there are many people who don't realize who they have in their lives. They don't even pay attention to what their mother do for them. They should respect their mother because they made the decision to bring them into this world. Many don't realize how lucky they are to have their mom with them because there are some people that don't have the opportunity to have a mother. I don't know how someone can have the guts to try to hit or cuss at their mother. They don't have dignity and to me are just cowards who would even think about hitting a girl. I understand what you mean because I know people who disrespect their mothers and that is just not right. My mother is my hero because she is always there for me even though sometimes I'll get mad at her, but things turn out alright.